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Old Tutorials and Articles
Some of our old articles, mostly specific to Mac OS 9 or earlier.


  Tutorials and Information

Mac OS X tips
Learn to get the most out of the gorgeousness that is Mac OS X. Ahem.

20 Tips for GoLive 5.0
An article I wrote for CNET The article is hosted on the site.

Using Location Manager with Outlook Express 5 or Microsoft Entourage 2001
As the title suggests, a tutorial on using Location Manager with Microsoft Outlook Express 5.
Note: this tutorial also applies to Microsoft Entourage 2001.

HTML tutorial
A guide to getting started with HTML (the language which webpages are coded in).

LiveMotion tips
Some miscellaneous tips for Adobe LiveMotion.



  Miscellaneous Articles

How to be a Crimefighter
Interested in following in the footsteps of Batman or Darkwing Duck? Here are a few thoughts
on the practicalities of being a crimefighter in real life, and how it differs from fiction.



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