Hi There!

Welcome to my About Me page, where you should expect to find out some stuff about myself and my life. I don't tend to blow my own trumpet so don't expect this page to be very long. So here it goes.

The Basic Info

O.k. so you want the basics. My name is Fiona Cassidy and I live in Glasgow and I am currently just working part-time at Primark as I am taking a year out of studying Computing Science at the University of Glasgow.

Some General Background

I have only lived in Glasgow for under a year, so I shall tell you about where I was before I moved. I come from Rothesay on the Isle Of Bute, which is a small island on the west coast of Scotland. Now when I tell people about this place it takes a bit of convincing. For example, when I met my boyfriend, I was telling him about how it was so different from Glasgow, I mean that Rothesay doesn't even have any traffic lights, or any traffic wardens. He didn't believe me at first. But honestly no traffic lights or wardens, we don't need them, and before you ask, yes it does have electricity. Anyway I lived there for a good 11 years, but it was time to get away and experience some of the outside world. If you fancy a wee look for yourself I could even suggest you take a look at the Isle Of Bute website, you can find it here. I recommend looking at the pictures of the island, some are really nice.

Back To Now

So anyway, back to Glasgow, where I am sitting on my bed with my iBook typing away. Next to me is my boyfriend Matt, the most wonderful person I've ever met. It was his idea that I should make a small site and since I was desperate to use my new laptop I couldn't resist, any excuse to use it really.

In addition to Computing Science I am also studying Maths and Biology, I love Glasgow University, it is an absolutely fantastic place to be. Since moving to Glasgow I have made some brilliant friends and Glasgow is the place for me.

My Family

Here is just a general description of my family, you can see some pictures of them if you click on the My Family link at the top of the page. O.k. so there's my Mum (Tricia), my Dad (Eric), my brother (Colin), my sister-in-law (Joy), my nephew Cameron and of course Matt my fiance. That's it, now go look at the photos. :-)


My main hobbies include computing, music, films, and as you might have guessed from the menu bar at the top, cross-stitch. I will talk more about cross-stitch in the cross-stitch page. I enjoy reading a good book though I don't get through many books. I find that they really have to capture me in order for me to want to pick the book up again the next day. Some books which have successfully achieved this effect on me are The Lord Of The Rings (which I chose to read for my Higher English Review of Personal Reading), and The Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice.

With music my taste is very varied. Huge fan of Wet Wet Wet, Marti Pellow (yummy), Genesis, Phil Collins (sexy voice, not as yummy as Marti), Mike and The Mechanics, Lighthouse Family, Oasis, Bryan Adams, Paul Simon (mum's fault, she would play it and it would just catch in my head...You Can Call Me Al etc.). So there you go, mostly old music, not as hip and trendy as I used to be. :-)


This one is tricky, I've never really had any strong ambitions which have stuck with me. I've had the odd madness where I said that I would love to do a bungie jump, hee hee not a chance of that now. I'm too sensible for that. I guess my ambition is simple, and it's just to be happy. That suits me.

Thanks for taking the time to read a wee bit about me.

Fiona -x-