9th December 2003

Since there has been an addition to the family it's about time there was an addition to the family page. So behold, my gallery of pictures of Cameron, my nephew, and son of Colin and Joy.

30th July 2003

I have two galleries of pictures for you today. One of Thai and Ben and Matt, and the other of Matt and I kite flying

23 June 2003

Matt and I went to Edingburgh Zoo today. It was fantastic, we both took our digital cameras but my pictures didn't come out so well so I have made a gallery of the pictures that Matt took.

17th June 2003

I was outside taking lots of pictures with my digital camera today and I got playing with iPhoto on the computer and I've just made a small gallery of some of the photos I took earlier today. So come and take a look at more photos of Thai and Ben

10th June 2003

The holiday Matt and I took to Gran Canaria was amazing. I'd like to share some of the pictures with you.

Me dressed for the beach

Some camels

Matt and I on camels we are actually on camels, how cool it that!

A crocodile this croc has a turtle on it's back, it's quite sweet.

This bird is actually digging

Me in shorts!

Me playing Mini Golf

Matt playing Mini Golf

Huge Cacti plants

Lookin' Good

Lookin' very good

Orchid House at Palmitos Park

View from Faro 2 the main shopping complex in Mas Palomas

View around the pool at our home for two weeks

I wanted to show you some more pictures of Thai and Ben, and they have each got their own page of pics since I have a few of each of them.

Pictures Of Thai

Pictures of Ben

Ok today is the 6th of December 2002, and it so happens to be the birthday of a certainly boxer that I love to bits, it's Thai the boxer dog!

Since it was his birthday today I thought he deserved be to on the internet, hope you like him, cos Matt and I love him!