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Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy

This page details our privacy policy in clear terms, and is intended to answer most common questions you may have. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any further questions, or to discuss this policy.

We will:

  • Use secure server technology to protect your confidential information when purchasing.
  • Ask only for details which are essential to complete transactions or provide services.
  • Keep your confidential information in a secure, protected form.
  • Abide by a strict Emailing Policy (see below).
  • Remove you from our database immediately if asked to do so.

We will NOT:

  • Provide any of your information to any other party, for any purpose, at any time.
  • Send unsolicited advertising via any medium (including email and postal mail).
  • Collect any information from your computer via our software products.
  • Expose you to third-party advertising on this site.
  • Keep records of credit-card data or other such information.


Emailing Policy

As part of the online ordering processes, you may be required to enter an email address. You may also choose to provide your email address when you contact us via our web contact form. This section details how we will use that information.

We will:

  • With your prior permission, notify you of updates to products which you have purchased.
  • Upon request, immediately cease to send product update emails.

We will NOT:

  • Subscribe you to general-purpose "news" or "updates" email lists.
  • Send you update information for products other than those you have purchased.
  • Subscribe you to any email list as a result of an enquiry or support request.


More Information

If you have any questions about any part of our Privacy or Emailing policies, please contact us.

These policies were last updated on Sunday, 15th September, 2002.


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