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Home > About Scotland Software


About Scotland Software


Scotland Software is an independent computer software company based in Scotland, in the UK. We create Macintosh software products, and provide a variety of software development services. We have been serving the Macintosh internet community since 1997.



Matt Gemmell - President, Senior Software Engineer, and grand master of all he surveys.
Matt Email: matt
iChat: MadMcProgrammer (AIM)
Matt's primary daily responsibility is software engineering (programming), and all that goes along with it. He also runs the company, which is no mean feat, let me tell you. Matt is the one you'll be working with if you take advantage of our Development Services, and he wrote most of the tutorials and articles in the Articles section too.
Find out more about Matt at his corner of the site.


Fiona Cassidy - Quality Assurance Manager for Mac OS X products.
Fiona Email: fiona
iChat: SnoozySnuggle (AIM)
Fiona is responsible for quality assurance for our Mac OS X products in development. If you find a bug in one of our products, or something that isn't as intuitive as it should be, report it to us and Fiona will be the one who works with you to solve the problem. Fiona also helps out with technical support, provides feedback on user interface design and documentation, and makes great cakes.
Find out more about Fiona at her corner of the site.


Chris Moose - UI/Web Designer and Fountain of Knowledge.
Moose Email: moose
Moose, as he's called, designs the user interfaces for our applications, maintains and updates this site, and provides us with words of wisdom on a regular basis. He also wears a red scarf no matter what the weather, and his favourite department store is British Home Stores.



Find out more about our site here.



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