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About This Site

Valid HTML 4.01  This site is valid HTML 4.01.

Because you deserve it. This site is currently valid HTML 4.01 Transitional, with no warnings or errors. As support for CSS 1.0 becomes more complete amongst the popular browsers, the site will be updated to be valid HTML 4.01 Strict. From there, it's onward to XHTML.


Valid CSS 1.0  This site uses valid CSS 1.0.

Because we like to have some time left for programming. Also because FONT tags are a dark evil of the past.


This site was created with BBEdit, from Bare Bones Software.

The older parts of the site (those pages which aren't in the same visual style as this page), were made with visual HTML editors, specifically GoLive 4-5 and Dreamweaver 3-4. We used them to save time and trouble. Now we use BBEdit for the same reason. We also use a series of custom tools and scripts to ease updating and maintenance, including BBEditifier and BBBreadcrumbs.


Any Browser  This site is best viewed in any browser.

This site doesn't use any proprietary tags which only work in a certain browser. It should display just fine in almost any browser you can find. It looks good in everything from Lynx to OmniWeb.


Made on a Mac  This site was made on a Mac. Actually, on several.

This entire site was created using Macintosh laptop computers (PowerBooks & iBooks), all running Mac OS X.
Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
The Made on a Mac Badge is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., used with permission.


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