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Cretin Tracker

Don't let the cretins get you down!

Fed up with fools intruding on your life? Feel a psychologically unhealthy need to maintain a detailed list of the transgressions of your family/friends/coworkers? Look no further - you need Cretin Tracker!

Cretin Tracker lets you keep track of a list of people (cretins, most likely), including their name, email address, and any miscellaneous notes you have about them. You can assign each person a Cretin Level from 1 to 100 (where 100 is really very bad indeed), and also note a reason for their inclusion in your list. Perfect for dangerous sociopaths!

Take a look at a screenshot.

Cretin Tracker is free.
Requires Mac OS X 10.1 or later.



Download Click the icon to download. (StuffIt archive, encoded as Binhex - 126k)



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