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Help Us Support Your Language!

If your first language isn't English, you're probably tired of so many applications being English-only. Mac OS X makes localization very easy, and we believe that supporting languages other than English is extremely important. But we need your help!

If you are fluent in English and another language, and would like to translate some of our products, please contact us now. Just tell us what language (or languages) you are willing to translate text into, and you can also tell us which product you'd like to translate. All languages are welcome!

The process is simple: we will send you a text file containing a list of strings (pieces of text), with clear explanations of their meaning. All you do is translate the strings, and send the file back to us - we'll take care of the rest!

You'll get a warm feeling from helping us make products available in your language, and we'll also naturally credit you on the product's web page, and in the "About" dialog and documentation. If you translate a commercial product, we will also naturally give you a free copy.

Help us to fulfil the promise of Mac OS X being a truly global operating system - contact us today!



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